Implementation supervised by Artur Victoria

The establishment of the Colegio Luso Internacional do Porto  will be carried out in two phases:

A. Phase 1:

1. School Year: 1990/91 - 1993/94

a. Space:

During its initial phase the programmatic needs of the Colegio Luso Internacional do Porto  can be limited to the use of four (4) classrooms, two (2) labs, complemented by other administrative and social facilities.

b. Grades:
During this phase the Colegio Luso Internacional do Porto  will offer matriculation in the upper grades of its educational program c. staffing Needs:
Based on the program of studies outlined in II (D), the activities of the Colegio Luso Internacional do Porto  will start with 7/8 fulltime (FT) and 2 part-time (PT) teachers. Full Time Equivalency (FTE) of staff increases.

1. Hiring Procedures:

The educational program of the Colegio Luso Internacional do Porto  calls for the use of English as the language of instruction for most of the student body. Therefore, some of the teaching staff must be native speakers of English, especially in the areas of Language Arts, Social Studies, and English as a Second Language. Some teachers, however, do not have to meet this requirement. Science, Math, Music, Art, Physical Education, and some other courses, may be effectively taught by Portuguese teachers who have a good command of the English language.

 Administrative , support Staff:
In addition to the faculty, the Colegio Luso Internacional do Porto  will include   administrative and support staff.

1. Qualifications' Hiring Procedures:

 The Headmaster should be a person with a distinctly international background, conversant with the most updated pedagogical and administrative practices, and completely attuned to the philosophy of the Colegio Luso Internacional do Porto . S/he must have an advanced degree in Education, especially in the area of Educational Administration, preferably with good experience in teaching/administering in foreign countries.
Support staff will be hired locally, and must meet the general criteria required for their respective positions.

B. Phase 2:

1. School Years: 1994/95 - 1995/1996

a. Grades: 524 students in grades K - 12.

Each grade of the International Baccalaureate Program (IB) will include two (2) homerooms with an average of sixteen (16) students. The Professional Program (PP) will be constituted by two (2) homerooms per grade with eighteen (18) students each.

b. space Needs:

Classrooms 26, Labs 7, Science 1, Physics 1, Chemistry 1, Languages 1, Computer 3, Special Classrooms 8, Art/Arts & Crafts 3, Music 2, Phys.Ed/Dance 2, Swimming pool ... 1, Media Center 2, Audio-Visual 1, Library 1, Administration & Other 20, Offices (Adm.) .. 3, Offices (Secret). 3, Main Office ..... 2, Guidance Offices. 2, Depart. Offices .. 8, waiting Room 1, Auditorium 1, Copying Center .. 1, Stationary Store. 1, ,Social Area 13 ,Faculty Lounge .. 1 Health Center 1, Cafeteria 2, Kitchen 1, ,WCs 6, Shower Rooms 2.

c. Staffing Needs

Outlines the Full Time Equivalency (FTE) faculty positions needed for the implementation of the educational program during this phase:
In addition to the faculty, the Colegio Luso Internacional do Porto  will include the following administrative and support staff during this phase:

Phase 2: Administrative' support staff

Headmaster 1 FT, Master - Secondary 1 PT, Master - Elementary 1 PT, Secretaries 2, Guidance Counselor 2, Senior Clerk 1, Clerk/Typist 2, Receptionist 1, Cook 1, Assistant Cook 4, Attendants/Security 6, Driver 2, Custodians 4.
C. Facilities

Phase 1:

The space required by the implementation of the first phase of the instructional program will be assured by the available facilities in Foz (Esplanada do Rio de Janeiro). This building is currently being remodeled and a sufficient number of classrooms (7) will be finished by July, 1990. In the Spring of 1991 this facility will have:

* 10 classrooms * 1 multipurpose auditorium * 5 WCs (2 for boys, 2 for girls, and 1 for staff) * 1 faculty lounge * 1 kitchen * 1 cafeteria * 1 main office * 1 conference room/library * 2 administrative suites * storage space.
This facility also provides 3.000 m' of open space suitable for physical and athletic exercises designed to be performed outdoors. Given the transitory nature of this building as site of the Colegio Luso Internacional do Porto , arrangements will be made with local organizations for the use of their indoors facilities for physical education classes.

 Phase 2:

The implementation of the educational program described for this phase will require the building/ remodeling of a larger facility. Even though it is premature to define the nature and the size of the permanent site of the  Colegio Luso Internacional do Porto, the minimum space requirements defined by the desired and projected dimensions of the school are the following:


Elementary Program 18,  Secondary Program 12, special Classrooms 30, Science Lab 1, Physics Lab 1,  Chemistry Lab 1,  Computer Lab 3,  Language Lab 2,  Art Studio 2,  Ceramic 1,Media Center, Library 1,  Audio-Visual/Reference 1, Auditorium 1,  Administration 3,  Main Office 2,  Headmaster's suite 1,  Masters' Offices 3,  Guidance suite 1,  Departmental Offices 8, Reception 1,  Reproduction Center 1,  stationary store 1,  Social Area 9, Teacher's Lounges 1,  Cafeterias 2 , Kitchen 1,  Health Center 1,  WCs 6,  storage & halls (+ or - 18%).

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