Curricular and administrative organization - revised and approved by Artur Victoria

A. Target population

 The population of the Colegio Luso Internacional do Porto will include students:

(1) born in Portugal,
(2) born in other countries but residing in Portugal,
(3) born in other countries of Portuguese parents who have returned to Portugal. Major countries of origin: The Netherlands, Japan, France, united Kingdom, united states, Germany, Sweden, Belgium. 

  B. General structure

The Colegio Luso Internacional do Porto will have two major components:

1. the Elementary program, divided into

a. Primary School grades K-4
b. Middle School: Grades 5-6

2. the High school~ divided into
a. Junior High: grades 7-9
b. Senior High: grades 10-12, with two programs:
1. International Baccalaureate Program
2. Professional Program: International Business Administration.

C. School Schedule

1. Length of school Year

The duration of the school year will be 180 days, excluding any holidays. The traditional Portuguese holidays and school vacations will be observed.

2. Daily Schedule:

Period 1: 8:30- 9:20
Period 2: 9:30- 10:20
Period 3: 10:30- 11:20
Break: 11:20 - 11:50
Period 4: 11:50, - 12:40
Period 5: 12:50, - 13:40
Lunch; 13:40 - 14:40
Period 6: 14:40 - 15:30
Period 7: 15:40: - 16:30
Period 8: 16:40 - 17:30

D. Program of Studies

The program of studies of the  Colegio Luso Internacional do Porto will follow an innovative curriculum designed to prepare students for the International Baccalaureate, or for a professional diploma in International Business Administration.

The curriculum will emphasize communication and computing skills, critical thinking, research techniques, multicultural education, and an integrated approach to curriculum design.

Even though the greatest portion of class time is already allocated to specific disciplines, the schedule gives students the opportunity to pursue learning in other areas. The elective program will offer courses in Economics, Philosophy, Psychology, Social Anthropology, Organization Studies, Classical Languages, Computing Sciences, Individual Studies, Modern Foreign Languages (English, French, Portuguese, German, Dutch, Japanese), Research Projects, and any course offered in the Professional Program.

In addition to, or in place of, the elective program students will be encouraged to undertake independent studies in various disciplines, under the guidance and supervision of a qualified teacher.

Since the philosophy written by Artur Victoria for the Colegio Luso Internacional do Porto  defines the student as a researcher, it is imperative that they become proficient in the processes, methodology and technology of research. All students will, therefore, take a series of courses in Research Technology. This course will provide each student an extensive "hands-on" computer experience. Students will be expected to keyboard at 35 wpm, master a word-processing and database software.

The teacher, working cooperatively with other subject matter teachers will develop theme materials pertinent to an integrated curriculum.

E. Organization of Classes

Classes will be heterogeneous in terms of students  academic performance. Students may be assigned to learning groups for specific curriculum units according to the mastery of skills required.

F. The Schools

1. Primary School .(grades K-4)

The principal goal of this school will be to prepare thoroughly bilingual/bicultural (or trilingual/multicultural) students. The curriculum will be presented and learned in two languages simultaneously: English/Portuguese, English/Japanese, English/Dutch, English/French, etc. The availability of these sections will depend on their respective number of students.
In the third grade students will initiate the study of a third language.

2. Middle School (grades 5-6)

The transition from the environment of the primary school to that of the junior high is always difficult. The purpose of the middle school is to facilitate this process. students wili still afford themselves of the security provided by a small environment and by the caring attention of a teacher specifically assigned to their homeroom, while at the same time they will venture into the larger school through the elective program.

3. Junior High (grades 7-9)

Students will be assigned to learning modules for four periods: Language Arts, Social Studies, Science and Math.  All students must take the Research Technologies and civic & Moral Education courses. 

4. Senior High (grades 10-12)

Upon completion of the 9th grade students will have to make a decision between the International Baccalaureate and the Professional programs.

a. International Baccalaureate Program:
 Students who apply for the International Baccalaureate & Program will follow a course of studies designed in accordance with its strict specifications. Article 2 of the General Regulations states the following: The examination for the Diploma requires candidates to offer six subjects, and normally studied over a period of two years. At least three and not more than four must be offered at Higher level (HL) and the others, at Subsidiary level (SL). Syllabuses at HL requ1re of minimum of 240 hours teaching time; syllabuses at SL require a minimum of 150 hours teaching time. (One hour=60 minutes teaching time.) (General Guide [1985], p.1)
 The goal of the Colegio Luso Internacional do Porto  will be to offer students a rigorous course of studies during the years preceding the 11th

 b. Professional program:

Students who opt  for the Professional Program will be pursuing a course of studies to prepare them for a diploma as a Business Administration Technical Assistant  grade, so that  by the time they enter the International Baccalaureate Program they may be thoroughly prepared. The final two years should be a time for concentrated studies and for the preparation of a research project.
During their last two years students who opt for the International Baccalaureate Program may follow a schedule similar to the one indicated. Besides the outlined academic program, seniors (12th graders) will have a Community service period (serving as tutors to students in lower grades, volunteering their services to community agencies, etc.).
During the senior year students must complete an extensive research project (Exhibition of Mastery), using at least two media (writing being compulsory). The completed project will then be, defended before a jury composed by faculty, administration and parents.

4. Senior High (grades (10-12)

Upon completion of the 9t:h grade students will have to make a decision between the International Baccalaureate and the professional programs.

a. International Baccalaureate Program:
 Students who opt for the International Baccalaureate Program will follow a course of studies designed in accordance with its strict specifications. Article 2 of the General Regulations states the following: The examination for the Diploma requires candidates to offer six subjects, each norm  studied over a period of two years at least three and not more than four must be offered at Higher level (HL) and the others at Subsidiary level (SL). Syllabuses at HL require of minimum of 240 hours teaching  time; syllabuses at SL require a minimum of 150 hours teaching time. (One hour=60 minutes teaching time.) (General Guide)

The goal of the Colegio Luso Internacional do Porto will be to offer students a rigorous course of studies during the refers preceding the 11th. The curriculum is designed to allow students. the possibility of continuing their studies at a higher level or of entering the job market.

G. Language(s) of Instruction (Middle, Junior & Senior)

Students who opt for a program of stud1es equivalent to that of a Portuguese school will use the Portuguese language for at least two subjects, including Language Arts and Social studies.

Those who choose the International Studies section will have English as the language of instruction. students whose first language is not English and in numbers that do not warrant the creation of a full section in their own language, will receive instruction in English with the assistance of a teacher and/or instructional aide fluent in their language.

H. The Role of the Teacher

The teacher will function as coordinator of learning, and as a second source of reference. Teachers will be assigned to teams. These teams will be responsible for coordinating the development of curriculum, the preparation of learning units, the integration of the different disciplines, and the monitoring and evaluation of students.

I. The Role of the Teacher-Advisor

Each teacher will be assigned as an advisor to a group of 15 students (grades 7-12). The teacher advisor,  under the supervision of the Guidance Counselor, will be responsible for the daily monitoring of each student's personal and academic development, and wi1l serve as liaison between the student and the school.

II. The Role of the Guidance Counselor

The role of the Guidance Counselor will include the following:

a. to monitor the overall academic performance of students and to help them discover their full potential and to develop special abilities;

b. to provide support in the form of individual and group counseling sessions, during which school and/or personal problems may be discussed and solutions developed;

c. to ensure that students are properly scheduled so that their educational and personal needs are met;

d. to provide students with the best information possible in regards to programs, opportunities, and options both in and outside school;

e. to guide students in their decision-making process in regards to post-graduate plans including higher education, employment, etc.;

f. to coordinate support services to students and to establish good communication with parents;

g. to identify students at risk and to initiate/coordinate all efforts to support student performance, involving the parents in the process.

The Guidance Counselor will play an active role in the curricular life of the Colegio. She will participate regularly in committee meetings. This participation will result in improved communication and consultation among all those concerned with students' academic, emotional, and social progress, and therefore a more effective effort to meet their needs.

In addition to providing students with much needed information, group sessions will allow counselors and students to develop a better rapport. Counselors will also supervise the activities of Teachers Advisors.

K. Administrative structure

1. Administration

The administrative structure will be constituted by:

* Headmaster, (full-time),
* Master of the Elementary School (60% administration, 40% teaching), and
* Master of the Secondary School (60% administrative duties, 40% teaching).

a. The Headmaster will be appointed by the President of the Executive Council of the Fundação Luso-Internacional Dr. Artur Victoria. The Masters will be appointed by the Headmaster in consultation with the President of the Executive Council.

b. The Headmaster will be responsible for:

1. representing the Colegio Luso Internacional do Porto  
2. Assuring the highest possible level of excellence of the educational process;
3. Hiring, supervising, and evaluating the staff needed for the effective functioning of the Colegio Luso Internacional do Porto;
4. Submitting the educational plan for the approval of the General council;
5. submitting the yearly activities plan and its final report for the approval of the General council;
6. Submitting the yearly budget and the subsequent final report for the approval of the General council.

c. The responsibility for the smooth operation of the Colegio on a daily basis rests with the  Masters of the High School

These responsibilities are divided into two primary areas:

1. Leadership: overall supervision of their respective schools; long-range planning; overseeing delivery of services to students; developing, improving, and implementing student support services; staff development, supervision, and evaluation; program development; maintaining a positive school climate.

2. Management: overseeing student and teacher attendance; monitoring student achievement and behavior; contacting parents; facilitating efficient space and teacher utilization; facilitating distribution of supplies; completing requested reports; preparing and monitoring yearly school budget.

2. School Government

The decision-making process will involve all components of the school: students, teachers, parents, and administrators. The representative bodies of the Colegio Luso Internacional do Porto   will be:

* The Council of Students

* The Faculty Council

* The General Council.

a. council of Students: Each homeroom (turma) will elect one representative and one alternate who will serve on the Council of Students.

1. The elected representatives to the Council of Students will nominate and elect the following officers: President, Vice-president, and secretary/Treasurer.

2. The Council of Students will have the following functions:

a. To deliberate and make recommendations or proposals that have been initiated by it or presented to it.
1. To forward to the General council any recommendations that deal with general policy.
b. To establish the following standing committees:

* Fundraising committee
* Activities Committee.

c. To establish special ad hoc committees whenever the need arises.

d. To advocate before the General council and Administration whatever needs and aims of the student body the Council of Students deems worthy of proposing.

b. Faculty Council: Each curricular department will elect one representative to serve on this council. The Faculty Council will be responsible for:

1. The development of the program of studies, curricular organization, teaching methodologies, and evaluative criteria;

2. The development of a program of staff development;

3. The selection of didactic materials;

4. The promotion of exchange programs with the community and other schools.

c. Council of Parents: One parent representative and one alternate will be elected per homeroom  to serve on this council. The Council of Parents will be responsible for:

1. Establishing effective communication channels between the colegio and parents;

2. Assisting faculty and administration in carrying out their extra-curricular activities;

3. collaborating in the development of all fund-raising activities;

4. serving as general support to parents in the educational process of their children.

e. Advisory Board: this board will be formed by the founding members of the colegio Internacional da Foz and by the permanent members of the Directive council of the Fundação Luso-Internacional.
It will serve as a consultative assembly to the Headmaster and to the General Council.

f. General Council of the Colegio Luso Internacional do Porto: the Headmaster, the Masters, and the guidance Counselors, three representatives from each council, two representatives from the Teacher Advisors, and one representative from the Advisory Board will constitute this council.

This council will be responsible for:

1. The definition of the role of each component of the educational process;

2. The approval of the educational project and all operational policies;

3. The approval of the yearly activity plan and subsequent final report;

4. The approval of the yearly proposed budget and subsequent final report;

5. The development of a plan of interaction with the community, with other schools, and with municipal and/or governmental agencies;

6. The development of a plan of extra-curricular activities, cultural and athletic, within and without the Colegio Luso Internacional do Porto;

7. The overall evaluation of the program of studies, and to forward proposals for needed changes and/or improvements to the President of the Executive Council.
a. If there is disagreement between this Council and the President of the Executive Council, the Council of the Colegio Luso Internacional do Porto  , through the Headmaster may present its case to the Executive Council.

8. The establishment of the following standing committees:

* student Affairs

* Academic Policy

* Administrative Policies

* Discipline

g. Curricular organization: The Academic Council The Colegio Internacional da Foz aims to personalize learning to the greatest possible degree. Thus, the basic curricular unit is the team of teachers charged with the educational process of a group of students (homeroom). 

These teams, however, must pattern their work by more general curriculum guides. Each school (Primary, Middle, and High) will, thus, be respon-sible for the definition and development of all of its curricular and extracurricular guides and activities in accordance with the stated educational goals of the Colegio Luso Internacional do Porto. 

To this end, each school will organize an Academic Committee formed by its respective faculty and chaired by the appropriate Master.

The overall responsibility for coordinating the work of the different committees will rest with the Academic Council. Three representatives from each Academic Committee and the members of the Headmaster's Cabinet will form the Academic council, which will be chaired by the Headmaster, or his/her designee.

The Academic Council will be responsible for:

a. planning and coordinating interdisciplinary curricular activities;

b. analyzing didactic-pedagogical problems and for proposing adequate solutions;

c. making recommendations to the appropriate Master on students whose promotion to the next grade has not been approved by all teachers involved in the evaluative process;

d. collaborating in the needs assessment process:

e. recommending the acquisition of needed books and instructional materials.

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